Here is the Replay from the Webinar!

Here is the Replay from the Mirabai Devi Webinar: 10 Ways to Instantly Activate and Awaken To A More Consciousand Fulfilling Life Right Now This webinar outlines the ways you can live more consciously by learning the ways you can activate and awaken to your deep, Higher Self in a world that needs all of us to awaken.

Mirabai Devi is an international spiritual teacher, healer, Divine Mother, and a transmitter of Divine Line. You can learn more about who she is and her various offerings and programs here: Learn More Here

Thank you for watching and we encourage you to share this with friends, colleagues, clients, and anyone you feel could benefit.

After my first darshan with Mirabai Devi I felt a huge amount of fear and anxiety being lifted off of me and re- placed by waves of bliss and a deep sense of peace. It was as if a large chunk of dark negative emotion that I had been carrying around forever had suddenly been miraculously transformed into light.John

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