A special event to help you move through extraordinary times
For three days in October, Mirabai guided a powerful INNER LISTENING retreat that focused on removing the blocks to hearing your Inner, guiding voice. We have created a truly awe-inspiring experience for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own home.
Join Mirabai as you begin to discern your inner chatter and ego voice from the deeper voice that is always calling you to hold true to your Divine self.
Imagine being able to become so familiar with your inner voice that you can lean into any time you are seeking guidance. Imagine being able to recognize the ego chatter of your mind and the strong voice of your inner critic and ignore them by recognizing for what they are: the voices that have come from external conditioning.
Let Mirabai guide you to your divine inner voice -- the one that takes you to spiritual and energetic levels of healing and restores your relationship with your Inner Self.